With the release of our Discussion Paper Working Together for a Better Future in October, we commenced a national conversation welcoming your views on how to forge a more dynamic federation and sustainable funding system.
Seeking to spark a new era of cooperation among governments to address the challenges facing our nation, the Discussion Paper raised for consideration the need to address:
- Growing demands on government services and infrastructure
- Eroding and productivity draining taxes, and
- Complex and prescriptive Commonwealth funding arrangements.
We invited your submissions on the opportunities to shape a better future, asking you:
- Which state taxes impact citizen and business choices the most?
- How can the tax system work better for citizens and businesses and improve the economy for future generations, keeping in mind:
- the changing environment
- the increasing volatility to state tax revenue bases.
- Is there a better way that the Commonwealth Government can ensure its revenue sources remain sustainable in a changing environment?
- How can the states reduce their dependence on the Commonwealth?
- How can Commonwealth–state relations encourage states to innovate and reform?
- How can agreements between the Commonwealth and states ensure accountability for how the money is spent but allow flexibility to deliver the best outcomes for citizens?
- How can governments work better together and learn from each other, putting citizens at the centre of decision-making?
Thank you for considered and creative proposals. We have read each one, distilling your feedback, aspirations, and ideas into a Consultations Findings Report. This report overviews what you said were the important issues for the Review’s focus.
Your feedback will now guide the Panel’s investigative work ahead.
Read the Consultation Findings Report
Consultation has been broad
Following the release of the Discussion Paper, we consulted nationally, seeking the views of the public, peak bodies, services providers, think tanks, academia, advocacy groups, and other governments nationally.
Together with the submissions, discussions will inform the Review’s work ahead.
Next steps
The Consultation Findings Report sets out the areas for the Review’s investigative focus, guided by what we heard.
The Review will consider these issues in-depth, examining both historical and innovative solutions, as well as looking nationally and internationally for best practice and tested learnings.
Draft and final reports with recommendations for Government will be published in 2020.
Get in touch
The Review is keen to continue the dialogue. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the Review Secretariat, you can send an email to [email protected].