With around 800 employees boasting a diverse range of skills, perspectives and backgrounds, NSW Treasury supports the NSW Government to deliver on its commitment to the people of NSW: to make the state a great place to live and work.

NSW Treasury is led by an Executive Board made up of the Secretary, five deputy secretaries and two rotating senior executives. Each deputy secretary heads up a group:

Economic Strategy and Productivity

The Economic Strategy and Productivity Group seeks to improve wellbeing in NSW by providing rigorous, evidence-based economic advice and strategy, conducting research and policy development, implementing strategic government decisions and driving informed public discussion.

The Economic Strategy and Productivity Group also leads the state’s federal financial relations portfolio and shapes measures to enhance sustained productivity, participation and prosperity.


We lead the analysis, modelling and advice on conditions and structure of the NSW macroeconomy – and implications for the State’s citizens and businesses – to inform strategic fiscal, economic, social and environmental policy decisions.


We lead the development of revenue forecasts and analysis, provide policy advice to NSW Government, implement decisions and influence the direction of federal financial relations.

Centre for Economic Evidence

We lead the development and application of economic frameworks to improve the wellbeing of the NSW community and to support strong, evidence-based decision-making. We promote and advise on the practice of public economics to advance the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of government initiatives.

We are also responsible for NSW Treasury’s economic stewardship and investment frameworks, as well as outcomes budgeting and First Nations economic wellbeing.

View Centre for Economic Evidence.

Markets and Regulation

We lead the development of competition, microeconomic and regulatory reforms which boost productivity, enhance market sustainability and community wellbeing.

We provide policy advice to NSW Government, implement decisions, inform the public policy conversation and provide support across the Economic Strategy and Productivity group.

Productivity and Equality Commission

We provide objective, evidence-based advice to government, identifying opportunities to boost productivity across the state. We seek to continuously improve the NSW regulatory policy framework and identify levers that can increase competition to deliver better and more affordable goods and services for NSW residents.

View the Productivity and Equality Commission website.


Policy and Budget

As NSW Treasury’s primary agency relationship manager, the Policy and Budget group drives collaboration with NSW Government agencies and the community to deliver trusted, independent advice on financial management, policy reform and resource allocation.

The Policy and Budget group also provides agency and portfolio advice, undertakes strategic reform and delivers the state Budget. The group supports the NSW Government to make evidence-driven decisions, drive public sector performance and maintain strong public finances.


We partner with the whole of NSW Treasury to provide advice on fiscal policy and budget strategy. Our objective is to help the NSW Government deliver sustainable, high-quality and resilient public services to the community.

We coordinate and deliver the annual NSW Budget and Half-Yearly Review.

We also provide an advisory function to ministers and the public service, including direct support to the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet.

Strategy, Delivery and Reviews

We lead programs of work that enhance economic growth, improve budget sustainability and boost productivity and participation across the sector.

Our major projects include coordination and implementation of the Women’s Economic Opportunities programs, targeted reviews and reforms of public sector expenditure programs as well as developing and evaluating COVID-19, cost of living and other economic stimulus programs. We also lead the development and implementation of NSW Treasury’s Reconciliation Action Plan to advance equality for First Nations people.

Health and Stronger Communities

We are the primary manager of NSW Treasury’s relationship with the Health and Stronger Communities clusters to support improved and sustainable services to the community.

Working with stakeholders across these clusters, we provide strategic advice and support on their financial management, resource allocation, and policy and reform priorities.

Strategic Policy, Education and Customer Service

We provide policy and budget analysis, and manage NSW Treasury’s engagement with agencies across a range of portfolios, including Education, Skills, Customer Service, Better Regulation, Treasury, Energy, Environment and Water.

We also lead strategic policy and budget expenditure analysis regarding First Nations outcomes, early childhood education and care, digital investment and integrity agencies. 

Transport, Infrastructure and Investment

We lead NSW Treasury’s relationship with the Transport, Infrastructure, Investment and Planning clusters. We support our partners to plan and deliver improved public services and major capital projects.

Our focus is on driving outcomes budgeting to deliver effective and impactful public spending.



The Commercial group provides strategic commercial advice across wide-ranging government investments to ensure effective policy implementation and sustained value for public expenditure.The Commercial Group:

  • advises on major commercial transactions, negotiations and post-transaction processes
  • provides expert commercial and financial advice to government on the procurement of complex infrastructure
  • manages the state’s investment in its commercial businesses
  • develops and oversees the NSW Government Commercial Policy Framework

Commercial Assets

We manage the NSW Government’s shareholding in State owned corporations and other commercial government businesses, assessing and monitoring their strategies and performance. We manage assets and exposures that remain with the NSW Government following a major transaction.

We develop and support the implementation of the NSW Government Commercial Policy Framework, providing advice to shareholding ministers and assisting with appointments to the boards.

Major Projects Division

We provide commercial and financial advice to the Treasurer and the NSW Government on strategic initiatives and major infrastructure, energy transition, precinct development and capital projects.

We work closely with government agencies to consider project delivery and procurement options, undertake bid evaluations, participate in contractual negotiations and assist in the delivery of major infrastructure projects. 

We lead the execution of strategic transactions and complex commercial negotiations on behalf of the NSW Government. 

We contribute to policy development in the construction sector and promote consistency in government procurements.

We are also the custodians of the NSW Public Private Partnership Policy and Guidelines, which govern the development and delivery of public private partnership projects in NSW.

State Insurance Schemes

We provide strategic policy advice to government on the operation and performance of the state’s insurance and care system. The system comprises workers compensation funds, both for public and private sector workers, as well as schemes for those injured in motor accidents and schemes covering home building and government infrastructure.  

Our advice is wide ranging and may relate to any number of commercial, fiscal, economic, regulatory and accountability risks, or reform opportunities for the sector. 

Toll Review

Jointly with Transport for NSW, we provide strategic, commercial and financial advice to NSW Government on the recommendations from the Independent Toll Review Report. We manage the government response to the review and the implementation of the Government's preferred recommendations. The Toll Reform will continue to at least the end of June 2025.

Procurement Reform and Banking

The Procurement Reform and Banking group manages all-of-government procurement policies and reform initiatives. The group is focused on using public sector procurement to achieve financial, social and economic goals.

The Procurement Reform and Banking group drives oversight and continuous improvement of the state’s banking and financial services arrangements, including leading work to tender for banking and payment services for the public sector – a large, complex program that supports sector services and needs.

NSW Procurement

NSW Procurement implements innovative procurement solutions to accelerate and deliver the best social, sustainability and commercial outcomes for NSW. We aim to maximise value for money for government agencies and make it easier for suppliers to do business with government. 

We set procurement policies and provide governance guidance to agencies to ensure fair, transparent and accountable procurement processes are followed. 

Our services include procurement advisory services, analytics, category and contract management for key all-of-government categories (electricity, fleet, travel, waste management, human and professional services) and procurement enabling technologies. 

Banking and Financial Services

NSW Government facilitates payments to and from millions of citizens and businesses every day. We are responsible for optimising the state’s cash position and modernising its payment capabilities.

We seek to provide consistent, accessible, secure, fast and easy to use digital payment experiences across all NSW Government services, and to help our customers and suppliers get paid faster. We aim to drive efficient and effective use of government resources and significantly improve productivity.  

NSW Government is also an active participant in the payments and Fintech marketplace, helping to foster competition, innovation and better policy outcomes for all users. 

Financial Management and Services

The Financial Management and Services group leads the delivery of all-of-government financial reporting, manages risk and governance frameworks, and provides strategic advice to support the delivery of the government’s economic policy and fiscal management initiatives, ensuring probity, best practice and statutory compliance.

The group leads NSW Treasury’s role as a central agency to respond to the risk of climate change, addresses intergenerational disadvantage through impact investment and expands the sustainable bond program.

The Financial Management and Services group is responsible for NSW Treasury’s core services and operational functions relating to workforce and culture, internal finances, strategy and business performance, information technology, facilities management and communications, and works in partnership with the Office of General Counsel.

Climate Change and Balance Sheet

The Climate Change and Balance Sheet division ensures the long term financial, environmental and social sustainability of New South Wales through the management of strategic financial assets including One Fund, liabilities and risks. We also give guidance on funding solutions and debt management. The division leads, coordinates and advises on a range of climate change, sustainable finance and impact investing initiatives for government, enhancing the sustainability and resilience of government operations and decision making.

Financial Stewardship & Public Reporting

We are responsible for financial reporting for the sector including the Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA) and the aggregate financial data in the annual Budget. We provide leadership, develop policies and deliver advice for the sector on financial management, accounting policy and climate disclosures. We have four teams:

  • The Total State Financial Reporting team is responsible for all-of-government reporting and preparation of consolidated financial reports including the TSSA, monthly reports and aggregate financial projections in the Budget and Half-Yearly Review.
  • The Accounting Policy and Advisory team develops all-of-government accounting policies and provides advice on complex accounting and reporting matters across the sector. Jointly with the Strategic Balance Sheet Management division, we lead the implementation of climate disclosures across the government sector.
  • The Financial Management Legislation Policy and Assurance team are custodians of the state’s financial management legislation, and lead policy development and advice on financial management, annual reporting and stewardship matters. The team also prepares the annual appropriation bills and manages the Recurrent Investor Assurance Framework.
  • The Finance Projects and Engagement team provides expert resources to tackle priority projects across the work of the division, with a focus on resolving key risks to the TSSA. The team also coordinates key elements of our engagement with the sector and with the Audit Office of New South Wales.

Treasury Finance and Services

We provide essential support services around NSW Treasury's workforce, reputation management and organisational strategy. We have four teams:

  • The People and Talent team leads human resources and employee relations, delivering talent solutions, learning and organisation development outcomes and the implementation of robust workforce management strategies.
  • The Communications team is responsible for managing NSW Treasury’s brand and strategic communications campaigns. Our work covers internal and external channels including employee engagement, traditional and social media, events, advertising, sponsorship, digital and websites. We provide change communications and issues management advice to the Secretary and NSW Treasury divisions, assist our ministers and their offices, and provide strategic advice and leadership in all-of-government forums.
  • The Strategic Coordination team facilitates the planning and delivery of organisational strategy, and the full lifecycle of NSW Treasury’s corporate planning, resource prioritisation, implementation and reporting. We coordinate the monitoring of election commitments relevant to NSW Treasury. We contribute to the ongoing capability development of NSW Treasury’s senior leadership team.
  • The Treasury Finance team leads corporate finance and business performance management for NSW Treasury and NSW Treasury-administered functions on behalf of the state, including residual interests and accounts management. Key activities include the preparation of financial statements, annual budgets for NSW Treasury and administered entities, financial control, and audit support for all entities.  

Information Technology

We are responsible for maintaining IT infrastructure to ensure it adapts to the evolving needs of the organisation. We lead NSW Treasury’s digital workplace management and provide support on applications, records technology, Budget systems optimisation, cyber security, data analytics and reporting. We also ensure the proper delivery, availability and maintenance of NSW Treasury’s physical and digital facilities.

Office of General Counsel

The Office of General Counsel provides independent legal advice to NSW Treasury, including applying a legal lens to all-of-government policy initiatives. We also provide support on major commercial transactions and strategic projects, contract reviews and negotiations.

We engage with other NSW legal functions, including the Crown Solicitor’s Office and Parliamentary Counsel’s Office, and provide legal support for NSW Treasury’s compliance activities.

Office of the Secretary and Ministerial Services

The Office of the Secretary and Ministerial Services provides advice and support to the Secretary and Treasury Executive Board, enabling the leadership of NSW Treasury to drive organisational performance and deliver on the agenda of the government of the day.

We advise, support and manage relationships with ministerial offices in the NSW Treasury portfolio to facilitate delivery of government priorities. This includes responsibility for NSW Treasury’s ministerial services relating to Cabinet, Parliament, briefings and correspondence, and the provision of departmental liaison officers and resourcing support to ministerial offices.

NSW Treasury’s Reconciliation team is responsible for stewarding and facilitating delivery of reconciliation action across the department and creating partnerships across government to enable sector-wide change.

Last updated: 26/03/2025