On 14 May 2018, Peter Achterstraat AM was appointed as the State’s inaugural Productivity Commissioner.
In June 2024, Mr Achterstraat was reappointed for a further two years, with a newly expanded remit as the NSW Productivity and Equality Commissioner.
Mr. Achterstraat, who has had a distinguished public service career at both the federal and state levels, will be responsible for driving microeconomic reform and targeting regulatory roadblocks.
Mr. Achterstraat and the Commission will initially focus on four core themes:
- Making it easier to do business
- Lowering the cost of living
- Making housing more affordable
- Making NSW the easiest state to move to
Mr. Achterstraat will be responsible for helping to shape the NSW Government’s productivity agenda and overseeing its regulatory framework. This will include the implementation of the Government’s response to the review of regulation undertaken by former NSW Premier Nick Greiner.
The NSW Productivity and Equality Commission website has been set up for citizens and businesses to identify regulatory problem areas and provide fresh ideas to ease the burden.
Last updated: 25/06/2024