The new Finance Resource Hub, housed on the NSW Treasury website has been designed for financial professionals from all sectors in NSW, to enable knowledge sharing and promote best and consistent practice across our industry.
This tool has been created to support capability building, provide a place to go for information, as well as share the new training material relating to the Government Sector Finance Act 2018.
The Finance Resource Hub is for all finance professionals, from graduates to CFO's, subject matter experts and non-finance managers. Read below about how to navigate your way around the Hub.
You will find a link to the Finance Resource Hub in the top right-hand corner of this website, or you can click here.
The aim is to provide easy access to information which may already exist in other locations (within the Treasury and other websites) and to provide additional materials where they are available.
Please note that this is a new site and it will grow over time as more information and materials are obtained. Please feel free to send through any useful links and items for inclusion.
Last updated: 04/02/2021