The NSW Government Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) sets out how to undertake cost-benefit analysis for NSW government initiatives. It also describes the role of CBA in supporting evidence-informed decision making and provides guidance for practitioners.

CBA is a holistic appraisal method that estimates the net economic, social, environmental, and cultural benefits of an initiative and expresses them in monetary terms. It is Treasury’s preferred method for assessing the relative merit of proposed initiatives, including policies, programs, regulatory changes and infrastructure projects.

CBA offers a structure for assessing initiatives in terms of their capacity to improve community welfare. Generally, the results are expressed as a benefit-cost ratio (BCR), which are the net benefits to society as a share of the required investment.

CBA is more than a financial analysis as it attempts to capture the full range of an initiative’s monetary and non-monetary benefits, including economic, social, environmental and cultural. Ideally it allows decision makers to directly compare the benefits and costs of initiatives on a like for like basis. Where impacts cannot be quantified or expressed in monetary terms, CBA can include a qualitative assessment.

CBA is an important component of business cases seeking funding through the NSW Budget process. It aims to provide comprehensive, evidence-based analysis to support decision makers.

Treasury Policy and Guidelines

Related policies


Rapid Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool

The Rapid CBA Tool can be used complete CBAs and produce net present values, benefit-cost ratios, sensitivity analysis and distributional analysis. It should be used alongside the TPG23-08 NSW Government Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis and assists with CBA Steps 5-7.

Outcome Value Database

The Outcome Values Database (OVD) is a library of quality assured outcome values and parameters aimed at helping with the estimation of economic and social outcomes in cost-benefit analysis. 

Find out more and access the OVD.

eLearning modules

The Investment Framework e-learning modules are designed to provide users with a basic understanding of cost-benefit analysis and other related Investment Framework policies.

Quality assessment tools

The ex-ante and ex-post CBA quality assessment tools are supplementary resources that may be applied to assess and improve the quality of CBA.

Market Failure Guide

Market failure refers to a situation where a market fails to allocate resources efficiently. Where market failures exist, there is a potential role for government to intervene. The Guide categorises market failures for government policy development and evaluation.

Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Frameworks

CEE collaborates with portfolios to develop sector CBA frameworks. These provide supplementary guidance to the CBA Guide by setting out principles, guidance and parameters to facilitate completion of CBAs for initiatives with common features.

Sector CBA frameworks are useful where there are a large number of similar proposals, or where significant research is needed to articulate and estimate commonly used parameters. Sector CBA frameworks should be developed in consultation with CEE and used in conjunction with the CBA Guide.  A list of current sector frameworks is provided in the table below.

Name Scope Responsible agency Access
Guidelines for using cost-benefit analysis to assess coastal management options (September 2020) Supports development of CBAs for coastal management options. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water View the Guidelines here.
Energy Efficiency Policy: CBA Framework Paper (June 2015) The Framework Paper is capable of being applied to all forms of government policy aimed at end-use energy efficiency, including both ex-ante and ex-post evaluation. Examples of end-use energy efficiency policies include (but are not limited to) market mechanisms, information programs, regulations, direct subsidies and facilitation services. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water Please contact Neha Nagaraja for the framework.

CBA Guide for Justice

A guide to measuring economic and social benefits for justice system proposals (January 2023)

Outlines principles and guidance for quantifying the benefits of justice initiatives, including how to identify, forecast and value expected benefits. Department of Communities and Justice Please contact [email protected] for guidelines.
Addendum: Cost-Benefit Analysis – ICT and Digital (January 2023) Provides clarifications and practical tips to support the development of business cases for proposed ICT and digital initiatives. Department of Customer Service View the addendum here.
Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework for School Infrastructure Investment (September 2021) Provides specific guidance tailored to the benefits of school investment. Department of Education Please contact [email protected] for the framework.

Guidelines for the economic assessment of mining and coal seam gas proposals (December 2015)

Technical Notes supporting the Guidelines for the Economic Assessment of Mining and Coal Seam Gas Proposals (April 2018)

Purpose is to assist proponents with providing the necessary information to meet some of the requirements of section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). Discusses the use of CBA and local effects analysis (LEA). Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure View the Guidelines here and supporting Technical Notes here
Framework for Valuing Green Infrastructure and Public spaces (October 2023)

Provides a standardised approach to identify, quantify and monetise common costs and benefits associated with green infrastructure and public spaces.

Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure View the framework here.
Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Health Capital Projects (October 2018)

Guide sets out the principles, concepts, methodology and steps to be used in the evaluation of proposed health capital projects.

Ministry of Health View the Guide here.
TfNSW Cost Benefit Analysis Guide (August 2024) Provides recommendations for CBA as part of business cases within the NSW Transport cluster. Transport for NSW View the Guide here.
Transport for NSW Economic Parameter Values (August 2024) This document recommends economic parameter values for common benefits and costs in transport cost-benefit analysis (CBA) Transport for NSW View the Economic Parameter Values here.
Freight Benefit Guidelines (September 2024) Provides assistance in identifying benefits related to freight initiatives Transport for NSW View the Guidelines here.
NSW Active Transport Health Model Provides an evidence-based method for assessing the health impacts of active transport infrastructure, including reductions in chronic disease burden, life expectancy improvements, and healthcare cost savings.  NSW Ministry of Health To access the Model please refer to the NSW Health website at Active transport in NSW or email [email protected].  
Principles and Standard Parameters for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Attraction Proposals An agreed set of central assumptions for a conservative estimate of the benefits and costs associated with an investment attraction proposal Premier’s Department View the parameters.

Last updated: 21/02/2025