TPG24-15 Treasury Banking System Interest Payments
The purpose of this policy is to establish principles for the payment of interest to exempt agency banking accounts operating within the TBS. The principles aim to achieve consistent application across the NSW Government sector and ensure sustainability of the Treasury Banking System.
Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Financial Management Date: 19 November 2024 Status: CurrentTPG24-26 First Nations Impact Assessment Policy
Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Outcomes Date: 01 November 2024TPG24-35 Budget Control Framework
This Treasury Policy and Guidelines (“TPG”) outlines the NSW Government budget control framework, including detail on how the controls apply to agency budgets, delegations for approving adjustments, and reporting arrangements.
This TPG supersedes the following Treasury Circulars:
- NSW TC12/08 – Budget Controls – Net Cost of Services
- NSW TC13/03 – Budget Controls – Labour Expense Cap
- NSW TC12/20 – Budget Controls – Capital Expenditure Authorisation Limits.
TPG24-33 Reporting framework for first year climate-related financial disclosures
This reporting framework sets out the minimum content requirements for the first year of mandatory climate-related financial disclosures for an entity. It also provides suggestions on how entities should approach their disclosures.
Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 29 October 2024 Status: CurrentTPG24-28 First Nations Investment Framework
The First Nations Investment Framework is a guide to good practice in working with First Nations people and communities on the design, appraisal and evaluation of initiatives.
Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal Date: 08 October 2024 Status: CurrentEvaluation of the NSW COVID-19 Voucher Programs
This report evaluates the NSW Government’s COVID-19 Stimulus Vouchers (the ‘voucher programs’).
The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented public health crisis which affected all aspects of society and the economy. The federal and state/territory governments reacted quickly with a raft of interventions. The NSW Government’s voucher programs were a novel solution, implemented at scale and pace alongside other response programs.
The purpose of the evaluation is to:
- assess whether the voucher programs were warranted
- examine the process of implementing the programs
- assess the extent to which the programs achieved their intended outcomes
- understand any unintended consequences
- capture any insights and lessons learned.
Operational expenditure review: Insurance and Care NSW (icare)
In November 2023, the Minister for Work Health and Safety (the minister) instructed NSW Treasury to conduct an operational expenditure review of icare.
NSW Treasury has conducted a high-level review of the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of icare’s operational expenditure. The review focuses on icare’s net cost of services (NCOS) – those controllable business costs incurred by icare to deliver its different insurance and care schemes on behalf of the community and government. icare’s underlying commercial model and overall net expenses (including claims handling expenses incurred by its insurance and care schemes) were beyond the scope of this review.
Category: Research & Information Topic: Reporting Date: 23 September 2024 Status: CurrentTRP 24-25 Examining the macroeconomic costs of occupational entry regulations
This paper quantifies the stringency of occupational entry regulations (OER) across a sample of occupations in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria. It then assesses the impact of OER stringency on measures of economic dynamism to help understand their economic costs.
Category: Research & Information Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal Date: 10 September 2024 Status: CurrentTPG24-27 Performance Reporting and Monitoring Policy for Government Businesses
This Policy identifies government businesses as a type of entity that require a separate and distinct reporting and accountability approach from that which applies to other NSW Government entities.
Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Commercial Policy Date: 05 September 2024TPG24-24 Recurrent Expenditure Assurance Framework
The Recurrent Expenditure Assurance Framework (REAF) outlines the procedures for the application of the NSW Gateway Policy to major recurrent expenditure investments. This Framework sets out the requirements that must be followed by the Delivery Agency, the Major Recurrent Advisory Group (MRAG), the Expert Review Team, and NSW Treasury (as the Gateway Coordination Agency for this Framework).
Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Governance, Risk & Audit Date: 04 September 2024 Status: CurrentPagination
Last updated: 28/02/2022