Showing 10 of 1142 results

TC22-01 Statutory Act of Grace Payments

Ministers have the power under section 5.7 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (GSF Act) to make an act of grace payment (Statutory Act of Grace Payment). The exercise of this power is at the discretion of the Minister or the Minister’s delegate.

Statutory Act of Grace Payments may be made under section 5.7 of the GSF Act where the Minister, or Minister’s delegate, is satisfied that there are “special circumstances”, or other circumstances of a kind prescribed by regulation. There are currently no other circumstances prescribed by regulation.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Government Sector Finance Act 2018 Date: 31 January 2022 Status: Current

Act of grace payments Fact Sheet

Section 5.7 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (GSF Act) provides Ministers with a statutory power to make act of grace payments.

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 31 January 2022 Status: Current

2020-21 NSW Report on State Finances

The 2020-21 New South Wales Report on State Finances includes:

  • an overview of the financial performance and position of the General Government and Total State Sectors for 2020-21
  • the audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the General Government and Total State Sectors for 2020-21, including a full set of note disclosures required by Australian Accounting Standards
  • the Outcomes Report on Government Finances for the general government sector, public non-financial corporations sector, public financial corporations sector and the non-financial public sector for 2020-21, prepared in accordance with the Uniform Presentation Framework adopted by all Australian governments. 

Also available on the NSW Parliament website.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management, Reporting Date: 24 January 2022 Status: Current

TPG21-11 Parameter and Technical Adjustments and New Policy Proposals (Measures)

This guidance assists agencies to understand which classification to use when submitting budget proposals for Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) or Treasurer consideration.

Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Financial Management Date: 22 December 2021 Status: Current

NSW Generations Fund Annual Report 2020-21

Category: Annual Reports Topic: Reporting Date: 21 December 2021 Status: Current

TC21-11 Timetable for Agency Asset Valuation

This Treasury Circular outlines the recommended timetable for asset valuations undertaken by NSW public sector entities for financial years ending on or after 30 June 2022.

Due to the long lead time required to prepare for external valuations of non-current physical assets some milestone dates may have already passed on issuance of this timetable. NSW Treasury anticipates that Agencies have already commenced planning for asset valuations and should still be able to meet the mandatory due dates. This timetable should also assist in providing an indication of procedures for future years.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 10 December 2021 Status: Current

TPG21-10 Capital Structure and Financial Distribution Policy for Government Businesses

Outlines requirements for government businesses to maintain a capital structure that meets the Government’s expectations while making appropriate dividends and capital repayments.

Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Commercial Policy Date: 10 December 2021 Status: Current

Delegating Roles and Responsibilities fact sheet

This fact sheet explains the delegation framework established in the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 and includes some information about the transitional provisions relating to delegations.

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 01 December 2021 Status: Current

General Approval for Derivatives

This is a general approval issued by the Treasurer, pursuant to section 6.23(1) of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. This provides the legislative approval for all GSF agencies to enter into derivative arrangements with NSW Treasury Corporation to manage their financial risks, balance sheets or funds.

Category: General Topic: Financial Arrangements Date: 09 November 2021 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022