How to use the TOES Download-Upload Facility
Information for agencies outlining how to use the TOES Download-Upload Facility.
Category: General Topic: Reporting Date: 17 June 2011 Status: CurrentTC11-08 Agency compliance with goods and services tax (GST) and fringe benefits tax (FBT)
This circular sets out agencies responsibilities for complying with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT). This Circular applies to all general government and public sector agencies.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Financial Management Date: 31 May 2011 Status: CurrentGeneral Government Financial Statement - 31 May 2011
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
General Government Financial Statement - 30 April 2011
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
General Government Financial Statement - 31 March 2011
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
General Government Financial Statement - 28 February 2011
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
TPP11-1 Accounting Policy - Lessor classification of long-term land leases
This policy is issued by NSW Treasury clarifies how a lessor should apply Accounting Standard AASB 117 Leases (as amended in 2009) to classify a long-term lease of land.
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 01 February 2011 Status: ExpiredGeneral Government Financial Statement - 31 January 2011
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
Update to 2010 Statement of Uncommitted Funds (released 27 January 2011)
Update to the 2010 Statement of Uncommitted Funds released on 15 December 2010, covering change in the financial circumstances of the State prior to the 2011 State Election. There are broadly two categories of material change since that time: business asset transactions; and announced government commitments.
Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management, Reporting Date: 27 January 2011 Status: CurrentGeneral Government Financial Statement - 31 December 2010
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
Last updated: 28/02/2022