What is Gateway?

Gateway is a system that provides project assurance through independent peer reviews at key decision points (Gates) in a project or program’s lifecycle.

Gateway provides the NSW Government as the investor, with a level of confidence that projects and programs across NSW are delivered on time, on budget, and in line with the Government’s objectives. It also supports Delivery Agencies in the development and delivery of those projects to successfully achieve the outcomes.

There are five Gateway principles that provide the foundation for the Gateway system in the NSW public sector.

  1. Management of Risks 
  2. Value for the Investor and the Delivery Agency 
  3. Independence and Confidentiality 
  4. Transparency and Accountability 
  5. Continuous Improvement  

What is the NSW Gateway Policy?

The NSW Gateway Policy (TPG 22-12) sets out the principles, structure, and the roles in the Gateway assurance system. It is the overarching Policy that sets out the requirements for the Gateway Coordination Agencies (GCA), the Delivery Agencies and the Policy Owner (NSW Treasury).

The Policy applies to all General Government agencies, Government Businesses, and State Owned Corporations.

The Policy establishes three Gateway Coordination Agencies (GCA) that each administer a GCA Framework based on a project scope.

Each GCA Framework has a Mandatory Registration Criteria. Projects that meet these criteria will be required to undergo the relevant GCA Framework’s assurance process, regardless of their funding source.

GCA Framework Mandatory Registration Criteria
Recurrent Expenditure Assurance Framework (REAF) All Major Recurrent Expenditure Projects:
  • valued at an Estimated Total Cost (ETC) of equal or greater than $100 million over the first four years or $50 million in any one year.
  • nominated by ERC, NSW Treasury, or the Delivery Agency.
Infrastructure Investor Assurance Framework (IIAF) All Capital Projects:
  • valued at an Estimated Total Cost (ETC) of $20 million and above are to be registered with Infrastructure NSW using the NSW Assurance Portal (the Portal) prior to the start of project development.
Digital Assurance Framework (DAF) All ICT and Digital Projects:
  • valued at an Estimated Total Cost (ETC) of $5 million or above regardless of funding source are to be registered with DCS via the Assurance Portal.
  • with an ETC under $5 million that are of strategic importance or of concern may be subjected to Gateway Reviews and other assurance arrangements if nominated by the Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Customer Service, Responsible Minister, Delivery Agency, the GCIDO, or IDLG.

Agency responsibility

It is important that Delivery Agencies are familiar with the NSW Gateway Policy and GCA Frameworks as they operate in conjunction with existing budget, project, and submission approval processes.

Delivery Agencies are required to identify the predominant purpose of their project and apply the most relevant GCA framework. Projects that meet the mandatory criteria will need to register for assurance by contacting the relevant GCA.

If the predominant purpose is unclear, the Delivery Agency should contact Treasury Gateway Assurance at NSW Treasury for guidance at gateway@treasury.nsw.gov.au.


Contact us

For more information on Gateway, please email Treasury Gateway Assurance at gateway@treasury.nsw.gov.au.

For enquiries relating to the GCA Frameworks, please contact:


Last updated: 02/12/2024