TC15-05 Financial reporting requirements for NSW Government entities including those affected by restructures
This circular explains the reporting entity concept, control principles and reporting requirements for NSW Public Sector entities and advises the effect of Government restructures on reporting. It applies to all departments, statutory bodies and the entities they control. This Circular withdraws and replaces the previous version (NSW TC 11/18).
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 12 March 2015 Status: CurrentThe Looking Glass Issue 2 (March 2015)
Newsletter of the Financial Management & Accounting Policy Branch
Category: General Topic: Reporting, Economic and Financial Appraisal, Financial Management Date: 01 March 2015 Status: CurrentGeneral Government Financial Statement - 28 February 2015
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
TPP15-02 Budgeting for Availability based Public Private Partnerships
This document is superseded by TPG22-21
This Budgeting for Availability based Public Private Partnerships Policy and Guidelines Paper reflects the Government's objective of a consistent, strategic and systematic approach to recognising the present and future liabilities associated with Availability PPPs across the whole of Government.
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Commercial Policy, Financial Management Date: 01 February 2015 Status: ExpiredGeneral Government Financial Statement - 31 January 2015
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
TC15-01 Cash Management _ Expanding the Scope of the Treasury Banking System
This has been superseded by TD22-30.
The Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet has determined that public sector agencies (excluding State Owned Corporations and authorities specifically approved by the Treasurer) must operate as part of the Treasury Banking System. This decision will take effect from 1 April 2015 and will apply to all agency cash deposits held ‘at call’.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Financial Management Date: 19 January 2015 Status: ArchivedGeneral Government Financial Statement - 31 December 2014
General Government Financial Statement
This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.
2014-15 NSW Budget Half-Yearly Review
Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management, Reporting Date: 18 December 20142014 Statement of Uncommitted Funds (released 18 December 2014)
The intention of this statement is to provide parliamentary leaders with an indication of the funds available for new initiatives without having an impact on current Budget estimates.
Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management, Reporting Date: 18 December 2014 Status: Current2013-2014 NSW Report on State Finances
The 2013-14 New South Wales Report on State Finances includes: an overview of the financial performance and position of the General Government and Total State Sectors for 2013-14; details of further developments in financial reporting and management of the State’s finances; the audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the General Government and Total State Sectors for 2013-14, including a full set of note disclosures required by Australian Accounting Standards, and the Outcomes Report on Government Finances for the general government sector, public non-financial corporations sector, public financial corporations sector and the non-financial public sector for 2013-14, prepared in accordance with the Uniform Presentation Framework adopted by all Australian governments (including the Loan Council Allocation Outcome for the State).
Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management, Reporting Date: 01 December 2014 Status: CurrentPagination
Last updated: 28/02/2022