Showing 10 of 1168 results

General Government Financial Statement - 30 April 2000

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 30 April 2000 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 March 2000

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 March 2000 Status: Current

TRP00-01 Performance of NSW Government Businesses 1998-99

Performance of NSW Government businesses 1998-99

The Performance of NSW Government Businesses reports on microeconomic reform and the performance of NSW Government businesses.

Category: Research & Information Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 01 March 2000 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 28 February 2000

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 28 February 2000 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 January 2000

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 January 2000 Status: Current

TPP99-05 Profit Composition Analysis

Profit Composition Analysis : A technique for linking productivity measurement and financial performance

The objective of this paper is to explain a performance measurement tool, called Profit Composition Analysis (PCA), which has been developed by NSW Treasury. This paper is targeted primarily at accounting and finance staff working in regulated enterprises, economic policy makers and industry regulators.

Category: Research & Information Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 01 December 1999 Status: Current

1998-1999 Financial Outcomes Report

Financial Outcomes Report

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Reporting, Economic and Financial Appraisal, Financial Management Date: 01 December 1999 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 30 November 1999

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 30 November 1999 Status: Current

NSW Treasury Golden Heritage

A joint exhibition to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the New South Wales Treasury 1824-1999.

Many people and institutions have contributed graciously and generously to the publication of the Golden Heritage Booklet and providing material for the Exhibition. All present and past Treasury officers are remembered, for without their interest, encouragement and humour this project would not have been completed.


Category: General Topic: Governance, Risk & Audit Date: 08 November 1999 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 October 1999

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 October 1999 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022