Showing 10 of 1142 results

TTRP21-03 Ageing and health expenses in New South Wales – revisiting the long-term modelling approach

The 2016 NSW Intergenerational Report (IGR) projected health expenses to be the largest driver of long-run expense growth for NSW. It projected health expenses to grow from 28 per cent of total expenses by 2056 to 36 per cent - at a long-term annual growth rate of 6.0 per cent - in the absence of policy intervention.

This reflects the pressures of an ageing population, and non-demographic factors such as advancements in health technology and expectations for more and improved health services over the next 40 years.

Category: Research & Information Topic: Financial Management, Intergenerational Report (IGR) Date: 20 January 2021 Status: Current

TTRP21-01 Preliminary Fertility Rate Projections for the 2021 NSW Intergenerational Report

This paper sets out reasons why the NSW long-run fertility rate is projected to decline from its 2019-20 level of 1.67 babies per woman to 1.63 by 2032. The paper recommends that the 2021 NSW Intergenerational Report (IGR) utilise a constant long-run TFR assumption of 1.63 from 2032

Category: Research & Information Topic: Financial Management, Intergenerational Report (IGR) Date: 19 January 2021 Status: Current

Aboriginal Procurement Strategy

Category: General Topic: Reporting Date: 07 December 2020 Status: Current

NSW Treasury Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) July 2020 - July 2021

Category: General Topic: Reporting Date: 01 December 2020

Last updated: 28/02/2022