Project Description:
The project involved:
- a major reconfiguration on Chatswood Station with new platforms, concourses, lifts and escalators to accommodate the new rail connection to Epping;
- new bus interchange and taxi ranks;
- two new rail bridges and associated rail works;
- the structural works for the related retail and residential development;
- integration of retail areas into the unpaid concourse areas on a long term lease;
- operation and maintenance of the Chatswood Interchange precinct;
- options for further development of a large retail complex (circa 10,000m2) and three residential towers accommodating about 500 apartments with underground car parking.
Private Sector Partners:
CRI Chatswood Pty Limited - Project Manager and Developer, Laing O'Rourke (formerly Barclay Mowlem Construction Limited) - Design and Construction Contractor, Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Financial Advisor and Arranger, and Babcock and Brown Real Estate - Mezzanine Financier.
Project Details:
Contract value: $157 million (Estimated Capital Cost at the time of the contract award) including the government contribution of $64 million
Contract term: 22-Sep-2005 to 22-Sep-2055 plus three options for renewal, one for 15 years and two for 5 years each, totalling 75 years
Operation began:
Stage 1 - Infrastructure / railway station and retail development was completed in Dec-2008.
Stage 2 - Residential Development was completed in December 2014.