Showing 10 of 1145 results

Problem Definition Template to Business Case Guidelines TPP18-06

This document provides a template for completing a Stage 0 Problem Definition document. Agencies should modify as needed and ensure that appropriate branding is applied.

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 03 September 2018 Status: Current

GSF Bill Basics - GSF Bill 2018 fact sheet

The GSF Bill consolidates and reforms the State’s financial management legislation to support a new financial management framework for the State’s government sector. Find out the basics about the new legislation.

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 03 September 2018 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statements - 31 August 2018

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management Date: 31 August 2018 Status: Current

Summary of NSW Government Business Case Guidelines TPP18-06

Summary of the key steps and questions to answer when developing a robust business case using the NSW Government Business Case Guidelines (TPP18-06). 

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 31 August 2018 Status: Current

TC18-15 Industrial Relations - Meal, Travelling and other Allowances for 2018-19

Various expense and work-related allowances in the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 are adjusted annually. This Circular supersedes and replaces Treasury Circulars TC17-10 and TC18-14 Review of Meal, Travelling and other Allowances.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Date: 23 August 2018 Status: Archived

TC18-13 Accounting for Long Service Leave and Annual Leave (Archived)

This Treasury Circular outlines the accounting treatment for long service leave, annual leave and related on-costs applicable to NSW public sector agencies (including Statutory State Owned Corporations) for financial years ending on or after 30 June 2018. This Circular withdraws and supersedes Treasury Circular TC15-09 Accounting for Long Service Leave and Annual Leave.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 09 August 2018 Status: Archived

Mapping GSF Bill to current legislation

Mapping GSF Bill to current legislation

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 08 August 2018 Status: Current

Board of Treasurers Communique - 3 August 2018

The Board of Treasurers (Board) held its third meeting today, Friday 3 August 2018, in Sydney. The Board comprises Treasurers from all Australian state and territory (state) governments.

Category: General Topic: Reporting Date: 07 August 2018 Status: Current

Board of Treasurers - Vow to ensure all states GST winners

Australia’s eight state and territory Treasurers today resolved to work together to ensure they would be no worse off under the Federal Government’s proposed changes to the GST.

Category: General Topic: Reporting Date: 03 August 2018 Status: Current

GSF Bill Overview - GSF Bill fact sheet

This fact sheet is a brief overview of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018, the key reforms, a description of the key provisions.

Category: General Topic: Financial Management Date: 02 August 2018 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022