TC09-10 Guidelines for Boards of Government Businesses
This Circular advises Government businesses of the release of the updated Guidelines for Boards of Government Businesses (TPP 09-02).
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Financial Management Date: 15 October 2009 Status: ArchivedTPP08-1 Accounting Policy - Accounting for Financial Instruments
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 07 May 2008 Status: ExpiredTPP07-3 Service Costing in General Government Sector Agencies
This policy has been archived.
The aim of this Policy & Guidelines Paper is to assist General Government agencies develop a better understanding of their activities and services, and the assumptions underlying current and expected future service costs. It sets out guidelines for better practice, and it is expected that agencies and NSW Treasury will use the RSP process as a means to improve approaches to costing, as well as the quality of costing information, over time.
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Commercial Policy, Financial Management, Accounting Policy Date: 01 July 2007 Status: ArchivedTPP06-08 Accounting Policy - Accounting for Privately Financed Projects
TC20-07 withdraws this policy.
This accounting policy provides guidance for public sector entities for accounting for Privately Financed Projects (PFPs).
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 01 June 2006 Status: ArchivedTPP06-6 Accounting Policy - Guidelines for Capitalisation of Expenditure on Property, Plant and Equipment
Discusses the Accounting Standard distinction between capitalising and expensing property, plant and equipment costs. The Guidelines are applicable to all NSW public sector agencies (including Statutory
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 01 June 2006 Status: CurrentTPP05-04 Distinguishing For-Profit from Not-For-Profit Entities
This TPP has been replaced by TPP21-07.
Provides guidance to NSW public sector entities in deciding whether they are a for-profit or not-for-profit entity, for the purpose of their general purpose financial report, prepared in accordance with Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AEIFRS).
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 01 December 2005 Status: ExpiredTPP01-2 Guidelines for Pricing of User Charges
This Policy and Guidelines Paper provides guidance to all other NSW Government agencies on pricing goods and services on a competitively neutral basis.
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy, Commercial Policy Date: 01 June 2001 Status: CurrentTPP99-6 Energy Trading Policy for Retailers - reformatted for web
Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 03 October 1999 Status: ExpiredTC99-04 Private sector financing of Government facilities -Barter transactions
This Circular outlines the reporting and approval requirements for agencies intending in the course of providing Government facilities to enter barter transactions with the private sector. This Circular applies to SOCs, GTEs and General Government agencies. It should be read in conjunction with previously issued circulars TC98-04 and TC98-07.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 18 May 1999 Status: CurrentTC98-07 Structured Finance Transactions
This Circular outlines requirements to be observed by agencies when considering involvement in complex financing transactions. As transactions of this nature normally involve the State incurring substantial long term liabilities or contingent liabilities, all proposals must be referred to the Treasury for assessment before entering into commitments. The Circular is an addition to Treasurer's Directions issued under Section 9(1) of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983
Last updated: 28/02/2022