Guidance for AASB 16 Leases - New Lease Standards
The new accounting standard AASB 16 Leases (AASB 16) is effective for NSW public sector agencies from FY19-20 and replaces the current standard AASB 117 Leases. This Treasury guidance aims to provide a high-level summary of the new leasing standard including the practical transitional impacts and available simplifications.
Category: General Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 12 April 2017 Status: CurrentTC15-07 Financial and Annual Reporting requirements arising from personnel service arrangements
This Circular outlines financial and annual reporting requirements arising from personnel service arrangements. The Circular applies to all entities required to prepare general purpose financial statements under the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Reporting Date: 17 March 2015 Status: CurrentTC15-05 Financial reporting requirements for NSW Government entities including those affected by restructures
This circular explains the reporting entity concept, control principles and reporting requirements for NSW Public Sector entities and advises the effect of Government restructures on reporting. It applies to all departments, statutory bodies and the entities they control. This Circular withdraws and replaces the previous version (NSW TC 11/18).
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 12 March 2015 Status: CurrentTC14-08 Government Guarantee Fee Policy
This Circular advises Government businesses (including State owned corporations) of the release of the revised Government Guarantee Fee Policy (TPP 14-03) which will apply from 1 July 2014.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 20 May 2014 Status: ArchivedTC14-06 Funding Arrangements for Long Service Leave
This was replaced by TC21-05 Funding Arrangements for LSL in June 2021.
This Treasury Circular outlines the funding arrangements for Long Service Leave (LSL) and for transferred officers leave entitlements, applicable to all NSW public sector agencies for financial years ending on or after 30 June 2014.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 04 April 2014 Status: ArchivedTC14-01 Acceptance of Performance Bonds or Unconditional Undertakings by Government Agencies
This circular outlines the conditions under which a Performance Bond or Unconditional Undertaking covering contracts entered into by NSW Government agencies are acceptable. This Circular is issued as a Treasurers Direction to all agencies under section 9 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 24 January 2014 Status: CurrentTC13-08 Total Asset Management (TAM) Submission Requirement
This Circular advises agencies of the release of NSW Treasury Policy Paper (TPP 13-03) Total Asset Management (TAM) Submission Requirements. The Policy supersedes the previous TPP 08-02 Total Asset Management (TAM) Requirements for updating the NSW State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS).
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Financial Management Date: 15 October 2013 Status: ExpiredTC13-03 Budget Controls - Labour Expense Cap
Replaced by TPG24-35.
All general government agencies and selected public trading enterprises are required to manage their budget and forward estimates within a Labour Expense Cap. This Treasury Circular updates the previous Treasury Circular 12/14 Budget Controls Labour Expense Cap by articulating the criteria under which the Labour Expense Cap can be adjusted.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Financial Management Date: 14 March 2013 Status: ArchivedTC12-20 Budget Controls - Capital Expenditure Authorisation Limits
Replaced by TPG24-35.
All general government agencies are required to manage their capital expenditure program within an approved capital expenditure authorisation limit. This Treasury Circular replaces the previous TC12-09 and applies to all general government agencies.
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Financial Management Date: 11 October 2012 Status: ArchivedTC12-15 Release of NSW Public Private Partnership Guidelines (2012)
This circular advises that all NSW Government agencies, including State owned corporations (SOCs), must comply with the NSW Public Private Partnership Guidelines (2012) when procuring infrastructure and associated services through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).
Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy, Financial Management Date: 15 August 2012 Status: ArchivedPagination
Last updated: 28/02/2022