Showing 10 of 1145 results

TC11-17 Determining the present value of a provision

This Treasury Circular has been replaced by TPG23-21.

When determining the present value of a provision, the discount rate, inflation rate and wage growth rate are to be based on specified factors. This Circular withdraws and replaces NSWTC 06/16 Rates/Indices for Measuring Provisions at Present Value.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 27 January 2021 Status: Archived

TTRP21-04 Sensitivity Analysis on Sydney's Urban Structure and House Prices for the 2021 NSW Intergenerational Report

This paper discusses two hypothetical scenarios to the Sydney housing market and total welfare.

The preliminary model outputs will be finalised and presented as part of the next NSW Intergenerational Report (IGR), to be released in 2021, and will support a broader discussion on the importance of effective planning regulations to sustainable growth. It will also provide the opportunity to explore some potential structural shifts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and associated government and business responses.

Category: Research & Information Topic: Financial Management, Intergenerational Report (IGR) Date: 20 January 2021 Status: Current

TTRP21-02 Projecting Long Run Productivity Growth Rates for the 2021 NSW Intergenerational Report

This paper evaluates the appropriateness of the current long run labour productivity growth assumption ahead of the next NSW Intergenerational Report (IGR), to be released in 2021. It examines methodologies used by other leading Treasuries and financial institutions for projecting productivity growth, and reviews trends and factors that may influence the future growth path. The proposed methodology and projections contained in this paper are preliminary and will be finalised for the 2021 IGR.

Category: Research & Information Topic: Financial Management, Intergenerational Report (IGR) Date: 20 January 2021 Status: Current

TTRP21-03 Ageing and health expenses in New South Wales – revisiting the long-term modelling approach

The 2016 NSW Intergenerational Report (IGR) projected health expenses to be the largest driver of long-run expense growth for NSW. It projected health expenses to grow from 28 per cent of total expenses by 2056 to 36 per cent - at a long-term annual growth rate of 6.0 per cent - in the absence of policy intervention.

This reflects the pressures of an ageing population, and non-demographic factors such as advancements in health technology and expectations for more and improved health services over the next 40 years.

Category: Research & Information Topic: Financial Management, Intergenerational Report (IGR) Date: 20 January 2021 Status: Current

TTRP21-01 Preliminary Fertility Rate Projections for the 2021 NSW Intergenerational Report

This paper sets out reasons why the NSW long-run fertility rate is projected to decline from its 2019-20 level of 1.67 babies per woman to 1.63 by 2032. The paper recommends that the 2021 NSW Intergenerational Report (IGR) utilise a constant long-run TFR assumption of 1.63 from 2032

Category: Research & Information Topic: Financial Management, Intergenerational Report (IGR) Date: 19 January 2021 Status: Current

Aboriginal Procurement Strategy

Category: General Topic: Reporting Date: 07 December 2020 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022