Showing 10 of 1170 results

General Government Financial Statement - 31 May 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 May 2014 Status: Current

TC14-09 Financial Distribution Policy for Government Businesses

This circular advises Government businesses under the Commercial Policy Framework (including State Owned Corporations) of the release of the revised Financial Distribution Policy (TPP 14-04) which is to apply to financial distributions payable in 201314 and thereafter.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Financial Management Date: 27 May 2014 Status: Archived

TC14-08 Government Guarantee Fee Policy

This Circular advises Government businesses (including State owned corporations) of the release of the revised Government Guarantee Fee Policy (TPP 14-03) which will apply from 1 July 2014.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 20 May 2014 Status: Archived

TPP14-03 Government Guarantee Fee Policy for Government Businesses

This has been superseded by TPG22-20. The purpose of the Government Guarantee Fee Policy for Government Businesses is to ensure competitive neutrality between Government businesses and their private sector counterparts with respect to the cost of debt. This working paper outlines the methodology to determine the amount of the guarantee fee.

Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Commercial Policy Date: 01 May 2014 Status: Archived

TPP14-04 Financial Distributions Policy for Government Businesses

The purpose of the Financial Distribution Policy for Government Businesses is to outline the Government's expectations for the payment of dividends. The policy also covers capital repayments, which represent a return of the Government's equity investment.

Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Commercial Policy Date: 01 May 2014 Status: Archived

General Government Financial Statement - 30 April 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 30 April 2014 Status: Current

TC14-06 Funding Arrangements for Long Service Leave

This was replaced by TC21-05 Funding Arrangements for LSL in June 2021.

This Treasury Circular outlines the funding arrangements for Long Service Leave (LSL) and for transferred officers leave entitlements, applicable to all NSW public sector agencies for financial years ending on or after 30 June 2014.

Category: Treasury Circulars (TC) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 04 April 2014 Status: Archived

General Government Financial Statement - 31 March 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 March 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 28 February 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 28 February 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 January 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 January 2014 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022