Showing 10 of 360 results

General Government Financial Statement - 30 June 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 30 June 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 May 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 May 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 30 April 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 30 April 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 March 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 March 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 28 February 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 28 February 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 January 2014

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 January 2014 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 31 December 2013

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 31 December 2013 Status: Current

2012-2013 NSW Report on State Finances

The 2012-13 New South Wales Report on State Finances includes: an overview of the financial performance and position of the General Government and Total State Sectors for 2012-13; details of further improvements and developments in financial reporting and management of the State’s finances; the audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the General Government and Total State Sectors for 2012-13, including a full set of note disclosures required by Australian Accounting Standards and the Outcomes Report on Government Finances for the general government, public non-financial corporation, public financial corporation and the non-financial public sectors for 2012-13, prepared in accordance with the Uniform Presentation Framework adopted by all Australian governments (including the Loan Council Allocation Outcome for the State).

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Financial Management, Reporting Date: 01 December 2013 Status: Current

General Government Financial Statement - 30 November 2013

General Government Financial Statement

This monthly statement is released in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
That section requires budget time projections and year-to-date balances for the major general government sector aggregates disclosed in the Budget to be published for each month.

Category: Financial Reports Topic: Economic and Financial Appraisal, Reporting, Financial Management Date: 30 November 2013 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022