Client Agency:

Waste Recycling and Processing Corporation (which on 21-Mar-2005 changed its trading name from Waste Service NSW into WSN Environmental Solutions)

Project Description:

The project involves financing, design, construction and operation of an alternative waste treatment (AWT) facility on the Eastern Creek land-fill site by the private sector.

The facility sorts mixed waste to recover recyclables and separates out the organic component to produce compost, reducing the amount of waste going to landfill. Waste Service NSW guarantees minimum supply of putrescibles waste at an agreed quality and pays the private sector to process the waste at a contracted price.

Private Sector Partners:

Global Renewables Eastern Creek Pty Limited (GREC)

Project Details:

Contract value: $70 million (Estimated Capital Cost at the time of the contract award)

Contract term: 7-Aug-2003 to Sep-2029 (in Jan-2011 the State's obligations under the agreement were transferred to SITA Environmental Solutions (SITA) as a part of the sale of WSN Environmental Solutions)

Operation began: Sep-2004 

Related Documents:

Contract summary


Last updated: 28/08/2023