NSW Treasury

52 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
(Enter via 127 Phillip Street)

Post: GPO Box 5469, Sydney, NSW 2001

Courier deliveries
NSW Treasury, c/- Decipha Pty Ltd
Unit 2, 38-44 Doody Street, Alexandria, NSW 2015

PRIME Enquiries

For all Prime enquiries, please visit the Prime Support Portal

Public interest disclosures

NSW Treasury does not tolerate corrupt conduct, maladministration, serious and substantial waste of public money, government information contravention, and other forms of serious wrongdoing. NSW Treasury commercial partners and suppliers are required to report all information that they become aware of, which indicates on reasonable grounds potential serious wrongdoing by NSW Treasury and its related entities.

Individuals and corporations (and employees or officers of these corporations) engaged by NSW Treasury under a contract to provide services to, or on behalf of, NSW Treasury are classified as ‘public officials’ under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022. The Act protects public officials from reprisal or detrimental action when disclosing corrupt conduct or other specific wrongdoing in line with requirements of the Act.

To be protected, reports must be made to Disclosures Officers, Disclosures Coordinators, or the Principal Officer (the Secretary).

NSW Treasury treats any breaches of its obligations seriously. If you suspect a possible breach of any conduct that could involve fraud, corrupt conduct, maladministration, or serious and substantial waste of public funds, NSW Treasury encourages you to make a report.

Last updated: 10/05/2024